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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » LMF 大懶堂 LMF » The Ultimate_s Hits (精選) » Respect For Da Chopstick

歌 手: LMF 大懶堂 (LMF)

歌 曲: Respect For Da Chopstick (專 輯:The Ultimate_s Hits (精選))

上傳會員: saiwiu

日 期: 2009 - 12

歌 詞
MC K-One:
Big Bang is the beginning. Many a little makes a history.
Men and Women make love, teach each other the way of living.
2001, Tick off the time.
Represent. The third planet of the solar system, talk to the
earth that men are living on,
Unite all your power for happiness andbrush up your heart
Respect my men, open your hands, feel and oracle.
What we once dreamed is eternal, never stops all night,
still continue,never stops.
Carry out my mission,my voice reaches to the heaven,
You see Asian hawk dancing over the world?

MC Yan:
你唔用腦去諗 唔用耳去聽 唔用眼去睇真
係關於社會 關於自由 關於種族

MC Meta:
the tower in the old temple, is just like with old histories ,
"the Streetcar named desire" do your utmost to develop yourself?
these history are made up of the pubic one and private one
they were mixed together,and bombed to the ground.
we're jest hanging around to catch the perfect timing.,
now is the time to shine on.
if you cannot compete with us , then just down on your knees and
thank you to us . even you're famous , that does not mean the best skill.
you better face the challange with your life.
if there are no way to go , you should make your own way.
do not stand and take rest in the top. you better keep going on on

MC Joosuc:
DJ made the beat, with the two chopsticks look like beautiful
lady's shape of leg.with asian flavor , with the light of chopstick asia
we got together and doing a rap just like we prepare the dish
with the deliclous food and and our sincerity.we got a original mind do our best
rap with microphone in hand.
the occidental fock knife cannot find out the hidden taste of asian beat.
causethis taste is from asian life and culture
ours are little bit different form the occidental styyle.
our lyrics mixin together the taste of sweet, acid,sour,salty
we can recognize this is asian brother's style coz this our flavor.
if you're ready.then you better enjoy this dish with you heart and mind.

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